Little love handles in places where you least need them - who doesn't know that? Fighting the well-known problem areas on the stomach and flanks by meticulously counting calories or torturing yourself in the gym can be very frustrating if you don't succeed. Why not take action against the unloved fat deposits with an effective cold therapy - without any surgery and, above all, without long downtimes? The innovative process of cryolipolysis makes exactly that possible.
The technology uses natural reactions to attack our fat cells. How it works? The cells are naturally very sensitive to cold and can be destroyed without damaging the skin or surrounding tissue. During the treatment in our practice in Düsseldorf, the fat cells are exposed to cooling and die (apoptosis). The fat that is released in the process is removed from the body via metabolic processes, so that the tissue is tightened overall.

The course of treatment of cryolipolysis
First of all, from the patient's point of view, it should be noted that if possible no blood-thinning medication, such as aspirin, should be taken one week before the treatment. On the day of the treatment you should not eat carbohydrates, but drink plenty of water. The method itself is performed with an applicator that draws in the fatty tissue between two cooling panels using a gentle vacuum. This non-invasive cold therapy is carried out using the 3D-LIPOMED® METHOD. Such a session lasts about 60 minutes in our practice in Düsseldorf.

At least two sessions a month apart are required for a successful result, whereby a third session can significantly intensify the result. After the treatment, sauna and sun should be avoided until the redness has faded. Ideally, the breakdown of fat cells is accelerated by paying attention to a controlled calorie intake and moving enough. Since cryolipolysis not only leads to fat loss, but also to tightening of the subcutaneous tissue, no further follow-up treatment is usually necessary.

The mechanism of action of cryolipolysis clearly explained:
The technology adopts natural reactions to attack our fat cells. How it works? The mechanism of action is as simple as it is ingenious: the procedure takes advantage of the susceptibility of fat cells to cold. These are naturally very sensitive to cold and can be destroyed without injuring the skin or surrounding tissue. A non-invasive applicator is attached to the desired area, which is brought to a temperature of -8 to -10 degrees and cools the underlying fatty tissue.

During the treatment in our practice in Düsseldorf, the cooled cells undergo what is known as apoptosis (programmed cell death of biological cells) and are then broken down by the body. The dead cells use messenger substances to activate inflammatory cells, which gradually break down the affected cells over the weeks and months that follow. The fat that is released in the process is removed from the body via metabolic processes, so that the tissue is tightened overall.

What are the chances of success?
Unlike a surgical procedure, the body has to break down the fatty tissue itself when using cryolipolysis. The corresponding cells, for example on the stomach, are destroyed and the body circumference is visibly reduced. However, the body's own inflammatory cells need a certain amount of time to migrate into the fatty tissue and slowly but surely break it down. The desired result can therefore only be expected after 3 to 5 months. How much fat will be lost as a result of a procedure cannot be predicted with certainty, but 25% fat reduction is safe, although results vary from person to person. We would be happy to advise you comprehensively on possible results and your personal chances of success in an initial consultation in our practice in Düsseldorf.

Which body zones are treated with cryolipolysis?
Problem areas of the body can often not be visibly improved either through sport or through a strict diet.
Cryolipolysis is therefore particularly suitable for these body regions:
  • belly
  • Hips
  • Thighs (Inside & Outside)
  • buttocks
  • upper arms (inside)
Contraindications: When is a croylipolysis treatment in Düsseldorf not recommended?
Although the procedure is comparatively gentle, the therapy is still unsuitable under certain conditions. If certain diseases are present or the patient is taking certain medications, we strongly advise against the treatment. In this case one speaks of so-called contraindications, which speak against the implementation.
This includes the following factors:
  • Severe overweight
  • Diseases of adipose tissue
  • Active cold or pressure urticaria
  • cryoglobulinemia
  • Long-term cortisone therapy or
    increased intake of cortisone
  • pregnancy
  • Areas of skin with open or
    infected wounds
  • Raynaud's disease
  • scar tissue or skin conditions
    (eczema or dermatitis)
  • Restricted sensation
    of the skin
We would be happy to provide you with detailed information on the subject of contraindications in a consultation. We will work with you to find out which method is best for you.

What are the risks and side effects?
Basically, cryolipolysis is a very gentle and low-risk form of treatment. As with any therapy, however, side effects can also occur here, which we point out to the patient in detail in advance in a detailed consultation. For example, small hematomas (bruises), redness or swelling can form on the treated body region. Increased sensitivity to pressure and touch can also occur in the treated area.

Much less frequently, nodules form in the adipose tissue or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. However, this side effect can only occur if the patient is taking hormones, acne preparations, antibiotics or antimalarials. Do you have questions about the risks and side effects? We would be happy to advise you and provide you with comprehensive information about the side effects - so that you feel completely comfortable and safe.

Would you like cryolipolysis? Let us advise you!

Your Dermabiomedical Team!

Our Specialist center for medical-aesthetic skin therapy, DermaBioMedical in Dusseldorf, allows patients a rejuvenated and fresh appearance. The team led by dr medical Schappert advises and treats you, among other things, on the application methods of the vampire lifts, the dermabrasion, the cryolipolysis, to the 3D LIPOMED® method, the PlexR® treatment, of thread lift as well as the hyaluronic acid. Due to its central location, the specialist center is easily accessible from the following parts of the city: Old town, Flingern-Nord, Oberbilk, Heerdt, Gerresheim, Eller, Wersten and Rath. Customers are also from the parts Pempelfort, Düsseltal, Oberkassel, Stockum, Lichtenbroich, Eller, Garath and beyond, welcome.


Brief information on the treatment:

Surgery: no surgical intervention required
Duration of treatment: 30 - 60 min
Stun: no stun required
Downtime: none
Visibility of treatment: immediately to 7 days later
Number of treatments: The treatment should be repeated 3-8 times

Cryolipolysis - cold therapy

Little love handles in places where you least need them - who doesn't know that? Fighting the well-known problem areas on the stomach and flanks by meticulously counting calories or torturing yourself in the gym can be very frustrating if you don't succeed. Why not take action against the unloved fat deposits with an effective cold therapy - without any surgery and, above all, without long downtimes? The innovative process of cryolipolysis makes exactly that possible.
The technology uses natural reactions to attack our fat cells. How it works? The cells are naturally very sensitive to cold and can be destroyed without damaging the skin or surrounding tissue. During the treatment in our practice in Düsseldorf, the fat cells are exposed to cooling and die (apoptosis). The fat that is released in the process is removed from the body via metabolic processes, so that the tissue is tightened overall.

The course of treatment of cryolipolysis
First of all, from the patient's point of view, it should be noted that if possible no blood-thinning medication, such as aspirin, should be taken one week before the treatment. On the day of the treatment you should not eat carbohydrates, but drink plenty of water. The method itself is performed with an applicator that draws in the fatty tissue between two cooling panels using a gentle vacuum. This non-invasive cold therapy is carried out using the 3D-LIPOMED® METHOD. Such a session lasts about 60 minutes in our practice in Düsseldorf.

At least two sessions a month apart are required for a successful result, whereby a third session can significantly intensify the result. After the treatment, sauna and sun should be avoided until the redness has faded. Ideally, the breakdown of fat cells is accelerated by paying attention to a controlled calorie intake and moving enough. Since cryolipolysis not only leads to fat loss, but also to tightening of the subcutaneous tissue, no further follow-up treatment is usually necessary.

Which body zones are treated with cryolipolysis?
Problem areas of the body can often not be visibly improved either through sport or through a strict diet.
Cryolipolysis is therefore particularly suitable for these body regions:

  • belly
  • Hips
  • Thighs (Inside & Outside)
  • buttocks
  • upper arms (inside)
  • double chin

The mechanism of action of cryolipolysis clearly explained:
The technology adopts natural reactions to attack our fat cells. How it works? The mechanism of action is as simple as it is ingenious: the procedure takes advantage of the susceptibility of fat cells to cold. These are naturally very sensitive to cold and can be destroyed without injuring the skin or surrounding tissue. A non-invasive applicator is attached to the desired area, which is brought to a temperature of -8 to -10 degrees and cools the underlying fatty tissue.

During the treatment in our practice in Düsseldorf, the cooled cells undergo what is known as apoptosis (programmed cell death of biological cells) and are then broken down by the body. The dead cells use messenger substances to activate inflammatory cells, which gradually break down the affected cells over the weeks and months that follow. The fat that is released in the process is removed from the body via metabolic processes, so that the tissue is tightened overall.

What are the chances of success?
Unlike a surgical procedure, the body has to break down the fatty tissue itself when using cryolipolysis. The corresponding cells, for example on the stomach, are destroyed and the body circumference is visibly reduced. However, the body's own inflammatory cells need a certain amount of time to migrate into the fatty tissue and slowly but surely break it down. The desired result can therefore only be expected after 3 to 5 months. How much fat will be lost as a result of a procedure cannot be predicted with certainty, but 25% fat reduction is safe, although results vary from person to person. We would be happy to advise you comprehensively on possible results and your personal chances of success in an initial consultation in our practice in Düsseldorf.

Contraindications: When is a croylipolysis treatment in Düsseldorf not recommended?
Although the procedure is comparatively gentle, the therapy is still unsuitable under certain conditions. If certain diseases are present or the patient is taking certain medications, we strongly advise against the treatment. In this case one speaks of so-called contraindications, which speak against the implementation.

This includes the following factors:

  • Severe overweight
  • Diseases of adipose tissue
  • Active cold or pressure urticaria (hives)
  • cryoglobulinemia
  • Long-term cortisone therapy or increased intake of cortisone
  • pregnancy
  • Skin areas with open or infected wounds
  • Raynaud's disease
  • Scar tissue or skin conditions (eczema or dermatitis)
  • Limited sensitivity of the skin

We would be happy to provide you with detailed information on the subject of contraindications in a consultation. We will work with you to find out which method is best for you.

What are the risks and side effects?
Basically, cryolipolysis is a very gentle and low-risk form of treatment. As with any therapy, however, side effects can also occur here, which we point out to the patient in detail in advance in a detailed consultation. For example, small hematomas (bruises), redness or swelling can form on the treated body region. Increased sensitivity to pressure and touch can also occur in the treated area.

Much less frequently, nodules form in the adipose tissue or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. However, this side effect can only occur if the patient is taking hormones, acne preparations, antibiotics or antimalarials. Do you have questions about the risks and side effects? We would be happy to advise you and provide you with comprehensive information about the side effects - so that you feel completely comfortable and safe.

Would you like cryolipolysis? Let us advise you!

Our Specialist center for medical-aesthetic skin therapy, DermaBioMedical in Dusseldorf, allows patients a rejuvenated and fresh appearance. The team led by dr medical Schappert advises and treats you, among other things, on the application methods of the vampire lifts, the dermabrasion, the cryolipolysis, to the 3D LIPOMED® method, the PlexR® treatment, of thread lift as well as the hyaluronic acid. Due to its central location, the specialist center is easily accessible from the following parts of the city: Old town, Flingern-Nord, Oberbilk, Heerdt, Gerresheim, Eller, Wersten and Rath. Customers are also from the parts Pempelfort, Düsseltal, Oberkassel, Stockum, Lichtenbroich, Eller, Garath and beyond, welcome.
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